Scientific Articles:
** With undergraduate student as co-author.
** With undergraduate student as co-author.
- 27**. "Universality of dynamical symmetries in chaotic maps", Entropy, 26, 969 (2024).
- 26**. "Unveiling Dynamical Symmetries in 2D Chaotic Iterative Maps with Ordinal-Patterns-Based Complexity Quantifiers", Dynamics, 3, 750-763 (2023).
- 25. "Permutation Entropy of Indexed Ensembles: Quantifying Thermalization Dynamics", Journal of Physics: Complexity, 4, 02LT02 (2023).
- 24**. "TARDYS Quantifiers: Extracting Temporal and Reversible DYnamical Symmetries", Photonics, 9, 938 (2022).
- 23**. "Exploiting the impact of ordering patterns in the Fisher-Shannon complexity plane", Chaos, Solitons, and Fractals, 154, 111620 (2022).
- 22**. "Ordinal Patterns in the Duffing Oscillator: Analyzing Powers of Characterization", Chaos, 31, 023104 (2021).
- 21**. "Characterizing complexity of non-invertible chaotic maps in the Shannon–Fisher information plane with ordinal patterns ", Chaos, Solitons, and Fractals, 142, 110492 (2021).
- 20. "Developing educational YouTube videos as a tool to learn and teach physics", The Physics Teacher, 58, 7, 488 (2020).
- 19**. "Correlations preceding high-intensity events in the chaotic dynamics of a Raman fiber laser", Entropy, 21, 2, 151 (2019).
- 18. "A 3D printed wheel with constant mass and variable moment of inertia for lab and demonstration", The Physics Teacher, 56, 535 (2018).
- 17. "Bounding the outcome of a two-photon interference measurement using weak coherent states", Optics Letters, 43, 16, 3806 (2018).
- 16**. "Forecasting events in the complex dynamics of a semiconductor laser with optical feedback", Scientific Reports, 8, 10741 (2018).
- 15**. "Characterizing the complex dynamics in the classical and semi-classical Duffing oscillator using ordinal patterns analysis", Entropy, 20(1), 40 (2018).
- 14. "Are the spikes emitted by a semiconductor laser with feedback similar to neuronal spikes?", IEEE proceedings ICTON, Mo.B.5.3 (2017).
- 13. "Disclosure day on relativity: A science activity beyond the classroom", World Journal on Educational Technology, Vol 9, Issue 2, pp.59-66 (2017).
- 12. "Robust and stable delay interferometers with application to d-dimensional time-frequency quantum key distribution", Physical Review Applied, Vol 7, pp.044010 (2017).
- 11. "Unveiling temporal correlations characteristic to phase transition in the intensity of a fibre laser radiation", Physical Review Letters, 116, 033902 (2016).
- 10. "Effects of periodic forcing on the temporally correlated spikes of a semiconductor laser with feedback", Optics Express, Vol 23, Issue 5, pp.5571-5581 (2015).
- 9. "Experimental and numerical study of the symbolic dynamics of a modulated external-cavity semiconductor laser", Optics Express, Vol. 22, Issue 4, pp. 4705-4713 (2014).
- 8. "Unveiling the complex organization of recurrent patterns in spiking dynamical systems". Scientific Reports 4, 4696 (2014).
- PhD Thesis (@ UPC). "Experimental study of feedback-induced dynamics in semiconductor lasers: from symbolic dynamics to subwavelength position sensing".
- 7. "Multidimensional subwavelength position sensing using a semiconductor laser with optical feedback". Optics Letters, Vol. 38, No. 21, pp.4331 (2013).
- 6. "Distinguishing signatures of determinism and stochasticity in spiking complex systems". Scientific Reports 3, 1778 (2013).
- 5. "Effect of humidity in charge formation and transport in LDPE". Journal of Electrostatics 71, pp. 611-617 (2013).
- 4. "Teaching engineering with autonomous learning tools: good practices in GRAPAU-RIMA". Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 46, pp.639-634 (2012).
- 3. "Study of dispersive mobility in polyimide by surface voltage decay measurements". Polymer, 49, pp. 2440-2443 (2008) .
- 2. "TSDC study of the glass transition: correlation with calorimetric data". J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 40 1138–1145 (2007)
- 1. "The growth of cosmological perturbations in the transition eras". General Relativity and Gravitation , Vol. 30, No. 2, (1998).